Yardstick's automated service collects shipping data, analyzes with our RMA, and ranks shipment combinations for the highest profitability.
Progress Tracker
Our Mission
Yardstick aims to boost trucking profits, doubling the 8.7% industry average while curbing the US driver shortage impacts by introducing a sophisticated Revenue Maximization Algorithm to increase resource utilization and revenue for smaller trucking companies without expanding their resources. By considering multiple shipment-and-return scenarios instead of simple A-B or X-Y routes, we aim to create more efficient schedules that maximize profitability.
Our Resolution
An intelligent dispatch automation platform that aggregates load board data:
- Removes the need for traditional dispatch services
- Puts the owner/operator/driver in control
- Reduces frustration, downtime, and app fatigue
For Drivers moving from using Load Boards:
- An increase in take home revenue of at least $84.70 a day or $21k per year.
For Drivers currently using a dispatch service:
- An increase of take home revenue of $57 to $114 per day or $14 - $28k per year.
Both results are after Yardstick fees are deductions
Across the industry this equals avg 13% take home pay increase for Drivers.
Marketing & Strategy
Our goal for the next 4 years is:
6% of the Market
We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms:
US Addressable Market: $127.5B
US Serviceable Market: $270M